Вантажi: Grain

Soybean market // Week 45

November 17, 2023

            In the U.S., soybean prices have grown sharply amid large purchases by Chinese importers. Thus, during the week, private exporters have reported sales of a total of 1.7 million t of soybeans to China and 1.1 million t of soybeans to an unknown buyer (most likely also China) for shipments during MY 2023-24.

Grain market. South America // Week 45

November 17, 2023

            In Brazil, corn prices are under pressure from a large offer. Anec forecasts November corn shipments at around 8.35 million t (5.89 million t in November 2022). According to Safras&Mercado, Brazilian producers sold 71% of the 2022-23 safrinha corn crop (69% a year ago and an average of 74.7%).

Grain market. USA // Week 45

November 17, 2023

            Despite heavy corn sales in the U.S., relevant quotes have declined due to seasonal pressure, as well as an advancing U.S. harvesting and higher estimates of global production and ending stocks.

Grain market. Ukraine // Week 45

November 17, 2023

            In Ukraine, the issue of port security remains open and continues to affect pricing. After another missile attacks in Odesa Region, export quotes have shown an upturn, although navigation along the established corridor continues. Thus, on November 9, six ships with 231,000 t of agri products left the ports of Greater Odesa.

Grain market. EU countries // Week 45

November 16, 2023

            Export prices for EU grains have increased as the tender from Algerian OAIC was quite successful for local traders. Within the tender, traders sold 600-690,000 t of milling wheat at $266/t C&F (part of the volume was bought in France).

Grain market. Russia // Week 45

November 16, 2023

            Russian grain suppliers have raised offer prices following the general market trend, supported by the tender in Algeria. Thus, OAIC has purchased a large volume of wheat from the Black Sea region and France. According to market participants, Russian wheat was the cheapest at the tender, but deals have been signed not for the…… Read more »

Grain market. Kazakhstan // Week 45

November 16, 2023

            The situation remains difficult on the Kazakh grain export market. The country has almost completed harvesting (nearly 17 million hectares of areas processed, which is 98.7% of the plan), with 16.4 million t of grain collected. This volume includes 11.4 million t of wheat, but 40% of that harvest is ungraded grain.