Interpipe presents new premium coupling “Intrepid-MT” for American oil producers
Interpipe has developed and tested a new premium coupling connection, Intrepid-MT, for the needs of oil producers in North America, including the United States.
Interpipe has developed and tested a new premium coupling connection, Intrepid-MT, for the needs of oil producers in North America, including the United States.
As many as 187 wagons were transferred daily through the the Vadul-Siret – Dornesti (Romania) land border crossing as of September 12 (up 86 wagon compared with the previous week).
Metinvest Group is planning to increase the capacity of its logistics center in Katowice, Poland, to transport steel products.
As many as 101 wagons were transferred daily through the the Vadul-Siret – Dornesti (Romania) land border crossing as of September 5 (down 45 wagon compared with the previous week).
According to the announcement by Polish railway operator PKP LHS dated 29 August, the company is applying special discounts for its customers for the transportation of hard coal (HS 2701) in international traffic (export, import, transit)
Vessels that were blocked in Ukraine’s Black Sea ports due to the war continue to use the temporary corridor. Two bulk carriers, the Liberian-flagged Anna-Theresa and the Marshall Islands-flagged Ocean Courtesy, have left Pivdennyi port and are heading toward the Bosphorus.
A total of 1,400 wagons including 229 wagons with sunflower oil, 278 wagons with cakes, 345 wagons with ore and 103 wagons with metals were moving to the Izov station on August 30.
About 321 wagons were transferred daily through the Chop – Čierna nad Tisou land border crossing point from August 1 to August 31 (up 15 wagons compared with the period from August 1 to August 24). In particular, 285 wagons were moving on export routes (up 18 units)