Вантажi: Grain

Grain market. Ukraine // Week 39

October 6, 2023

            A mixed price trend has been reported on the Ukrainian grain export market this week. Meanwhile, quotes have been going down in most cases. Ukrainian wheat is actually offered for shipments from the Black Sea ports, but traders say it is quite difficult to compete with grain of other origins now.

Grain market. EU countries // Week 39

October 6, 2023

            Quotes for EU grains have dropped in the last week of September, attracting the attention of importers. According to market participants, Egypt’s GASC has purchased 170,000 t of wheat originating from Romania (120,000 t) and Bulgaria (50,000 t) at $271.8/t C&F.

Grain market. USA // Week 39

October 6, 2023

            U.S. wheat remains uncompetitive on the world market. Progressing harvesting of corn (15% complete), combined with large supplies from Brazil, put pressure on relevant export quotes. However, corn prices have increased amid reports of a large volume sale to Mexico.

Grain market. South America // Week 39

October 6, 2023

            Brazilian corn prices have increased this week due to lively trade and exports. Anec forecasts total corn exports in September at about 9.6 million t (10 million t a week earlier).

Grain market. Kazakhstan // Week 39

October 6, 2023

            Export quotes for Kazakh grain have stabilized, but remain quite high. Recent upturns in wheat prices have already led to higher flour prices in Tajikistan, Uzbekistan and Kyrgyzstan. Quotes are not expected to fall due to a smaller than expected harvest and harvesting delays (resulting in loss of quality).

Grain market. Russia // Week 39

October 6, 2023

            Trade has slowed down on the Russian grain market, which puts pressure on export quotes. However, wheat offer prices are still holding steady this week, while barley quotes have inched down.