Вантажi: Grain

Grain market. Russia // Week 37

September 19, 2023

            In Russia, lower export prices are keeping grain supplies high. According to GASC estimates, Egypt has already imported 2.14 million t of wheat in the current season, with main grain supplies coming from Russia (1.55 million t)

Grain market. EU countries // Week 37

September 19, 2023

            Export quotes for EU grains have been mainly growing. At the same time, the September report from Strategie Grains has shown increased forecast of wheat and barley production in the EU in MY 2023-24, but these volumes are still lower than last year.

Grain market. Ukraine // Week 37

September 19, 2023

            Export prices for Ukrainian grain have been mostly declining this week. Danube ports continue to operate despite Russia’s attempts to reduce or even stop grain exports from Ukraine through constant attacks on infrastructure.

Soybean market // Week 36

September 15, 2023

            Since the start of the new “soybean dollar” program, Argentine farmers have been ramping up sales of the oilseed. Quotes for new crop (MY 2023-24) soybeans have fallen by $8/t to $484-487/t FOB Upriver (May shipments).

Grain market. Australia // Week 36

September 15, 2023

            The Australian grain market remains stable. Farmers are monitoring weather conditions and their impact on production prospects. This week ABARES has released a new report on production forecasts for MY 2023-24.

Grain market. Russia // Week 36

September 15, 2023

            Russian grain suppliers have made price concessions in order to preserve steady demand of importers. According to market participants, Egyptian GASC has contracted 480,000 t of Russian wheat under a private agreement.