Вантажi: Grain
Grain market. EU countries // Week 37
Grain market. Ukraine // Week 37
Ventspils Freeport cargo turnover in August
Handling at Ukraine – Slovakia border crossings*
About 340 wagons were transferred daily through the Chop – Čierna nad Tisou land border crossing point as of September 7 (up 19 wagons compared with the precious week). In particular, 304 wagons were moving on export routes (up 19 units), while 36 wagons arrived with imported goods (unchanged).
Handling at Ukraine – Poland border crossings*
As many as 1,866 wagons including 110 wagons with sunflower oil, 535 wagons with cakes, 612 wagons with ore and 182 containers were moving to the Izov station on September 13.