Вантажi: Grain
Handling of grain wagons at Ukraine’s sea ports
About 3,500 wagons with grain were waiting for unloading at Ukrainian sea ports as of August 10. Taking into account that approximately 119 wagons per day are accepted at the stations, it will take about 29 days to process all these wagons.
Riga Freeport cargo turnover in July
Liepaja SEZ cargo turnover in July
Handling at Ukraine – Slovakia border crossings*
As many as 289 wagons were transferred daily through the Chop – Čierna nad Tisou land border crossing point as of August 3 (up 15 wagons compared with the previous week).
Ukraine announces temporary corridors for vessels navigating to/from Black Sea ports
The information on new temporary routes for civilian vessels to and from Ukraine’s Black Sea ports was published in the Order of the Navigational Report of the Ukrainian Navy No. 6 of August 8.
Soybean market // Week 31
Grain market. Australia // Week 31
Grain market. South America // Week 31
Quotes for Brazilian corn are sliding down amid the progressing harvesting campaign. According to AgRural, by July 27 farmers harvested 55% of safrinha corn compared to 73% harvested as of the same date last year. Yields are high, confirming the expectation of a heavy crop. Corn trade remains quiet.