Handling at Ukraine – Hungary border crossings*
As many as 2,287 wagons with a total of 150,600 t of goods were handled at the Batiovo – Epereshke land border crossing point in the period from July 1 to July 24.
As many as 2,287 wagons with a total of 150,600 t of goods were handled at the Batiovo – Epereshke land border crossing point in the period from July 1 to July 24.
As many as 267 wagons were transferred daily through the Chop – Čierna nad Tisou land border crossing point as of July 20 (up 2 wagons compared with the previous week).
Viorel Panait, Chairman of the Port of Constanta Business Association and manager of the port operator Comvex, said that by mid-August the port will be able to handle additional volumes of Ukrainian grain.
A total of 8,189 wagons were transferred through the Izov-Hrubieszów land border crossing point from July 1 to July 19. The average daily handling speed amounted to 431 wagons (up 16 units per day compared with June).
A total of 549,000 tonnes of grain were exported from Ukraine by railways during the period started July 1 and ended July 19, 2023.