Вантажi: Grain

Soybean market // Week 41

October 19, 2023

            U.S. soybean prices continue to decline amid ongoing harvesting and competition from Brazil. According to the USDA, soybean harvesting has progressed to 43% of the plan (41% last year and a five-year average of 37%).

Grain market. Australia // Week 41

October 19, 2023

            Harvesting continues in Australia, putting pressure on export prices. Trade remains inactive. The quality of harvested wheat is still good, but grain yields are fluctuating from below average to average.

Grain market. South America // Week 41

October 19, 2023

            Large corn supplies from Brazil continue to put pressure on global prices. Anec estimates October corn exports at 9.2 million t (8.9 million  t forecasted a week earlier). At the same time, the drought in northern Brazil is causing logistical problems due to the low level of the Amazon River.